Wanxin Li and Jiaxin Chen participated in the 2nd Photonic Technology Forum

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  From November 27th to 30th, 2020, the 2nd Photonic Technology Forum was held in Guangzhou, China. Master student Wanxin Li gave a poster presentation on "High Sensitivity Subwavelength Grating Microring Refractive Index Sensor Based on Mode Splitting", and master student Jiaxin Chen gave a report on "Subwavelength Grating Antenna for Large Aperture Optical Phased Array".

    The 2nd Photonic Technology Forum was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Information Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Optical Society, "Science in China: Information Science" magazine and "Light: Science & Applications". The purpose of the forum is to promote academic exchanges, strengthen industry-university-research-application and regional win-win cooperation, and promote photonic technology research to better serve national strategies and economic development. Master student Wanxin Li demonstrated that the sub-wavelength grating micro-ring structure is based on the mode splitting caused by the lack of rotational symmetry, and finally achieves high-sensitivity detection of the measured object. Master student Jiaxin Chen designed a sub-wavelength grating antenna for optical phased arrays, which uses the quasi-BIC effect to reduce the relative lateral emission and controls the size as well as position of the sub-wavelength structure to control the intensity of the grating. When the feature size is greater than 100nm The grating size can reach millimeter or even centimeter level.

2020年12月3日 17:01